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Would you like to take lessons?

Would you like to learn more about Paganism and Witchcraft?


Check out our Series of Lessons..... Coming Soon!!!!

      This is not going to be like your normal every day beginners course. Just let me say that right off the bat. Upon reading several books for beginners, they all say the same things over and over again. Our courses will be a bit more structured then what you may be used to. I will give you some books to read and some questions to answer afterwords. 

      You are welcome to ask questions at any time. These are personal courses directed towards your personal needs. Each one will be catered to your individuality and needs. There will be a series of these to take you through the processes of our Degree System.


Neophyte: You will learn the very basics of Witchcraft. 


1st Degree: You will have been studing with us for a year and a day. Now we start getting into more of the "meat" of Witchcraft and Paganism as a whole.


2nd Degree: Now you have been with us for 2 years, you will be learning how to do more intense research into your chosen feild.


3rd Degree: This is your final Year with us. We will now be teaching you how to create and govern your own Coven. We feel the need to help you move on and create your own Coven. Do not remain stagnant and grow.

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